2011 is going to become hack-tacular!

In the name of syn2cat’s administrative council, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year 2011!

While 2010 has been a great year for syn2cat, 2011 is going to become even more spectacular. And you, as a member and supporter of our hackerspace are a guarantor of just that. While 2010 saw a steady increase in our membership base, the same is about to sky-rocket at the beginning of this year with no less than 7 new members that already joined or are about to do so.

Happy new year

Also, 2010 was a year of many premières with syn2cat not only participating at many events such as Télévie, the Foire de l’Etudiant,
the X-mas market, etc, but also becoming the co-organiser of the first and so far biggest hacker camp in the Greater Region: HaxoGreen.

Next to that, three all new workshops have been announced and will be held during the month of January alone!

But as you all certainly know, with great power comes great responsibility and in our case this comes with the all-important conclusion of an insurance on our hackerspace infrastructure. Next to that, you will very certainly already know that we will have to find a solution to the vacant job of a hygiene service.

Long story short, we are forced to cover these upcoming expenses by a moderate increase in our membership fee. Although this increase will have to be voted on at the next General Assembly [0] to become legally binding, we ask everyone to already adjust his fee starting with the next payment she or he is about to launch.

Replacing the previous fee of 6 EUR/month, we will need to introduce the bottom-line amount of 9.5 EUR/month. As commonly known, this amount is to be considered an absolute minimum and an upward adjustment according to your capabilities is highly encouraged.

So long,
and thanks for all the champagne,

[0] Consider this an unofficial invitation to the General Assembly. You shall receive an official convocation, including the order of the day, in due course.

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